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Great reviews keep coming in! We’ve recently received some great media coverage and visitor feedback for the exhibit at King John’s Castle in Limerick (you can read our previous blog about the project here: King John’s Castle)
In an October 2013 article from the Irish Times entitled “Travel Bloggers Rate Ireland,” family blogger and National Geographic magazine “traveler of the year,” Heather Greenwood Davis named King John’s Castle as the best tourist attraction in Ireland. She writes:
Maria B from Sydney, Australia:
Connie W from Indiana, USA:
Mary H, from Limerick:
We at Noho are of course thrilled about this feedback. Thanks to everyone who wrote in with comments, and we do hope that those of you out there who have not yet have a chance manage to pop down to Limerick to see the exhibit in action.
“I write a lot about family travel, and so for me I’d say King John’s Castle, in Limerick, was the best. It paired interactive exhibits with history and provided plenty of great spots for learning and photo-taking. I hope to bring the kids back to see it.”Several papers also covered the November 29th grand opening. In its article “King John’s Castle is a visitor magnet for Limerick,” the Limerick Post reported:
With a host of new interactive and historic facilities at the castle, the visitor centre has attracted over 40,000 visitors since the middle of the summer. Speaking at the opening, Minister Noonan said that the new centre was a fantastic magnet for Limerick to attract international visitors. Described as Limerick’s “Jewel in the Crown”, Minister for Finance Michael Noonan, said that the newly redeveloped King John’s Castle is “an iconic visitor attraction to rival any around the world… “It is the jewel in Limerick’s portfolio of visitor attractions and a fitting testament to the versatility and resilience of the people of Limerick, and captures their story in a new and imaginative way.”The website published an article entitled “King John’s Castle doubles visitor numbers since €6m revamp,” praising the rise in visitors and the increase of international tour groups visiting the castle. They wrote:
John Ruddle, chief executive, Shannon Heritage, Ireland’s largest operator of tourist attractions, said: “We have had more visitors in the first four months since reopening than we would normally have in a full year. We see this as only the start and are very ambitious about growing the visitor numbers to both the Castle and Limerick city generally.It’s not just the media who is on board with King John’s Castle. In November, the exhibit won praise from the Institute of Designers in Ireland. It was shortlisted for an award in their “Interiors: Exhibition Design” category and ranked as a “Commended” piece of work. The Trip Advisor feedback has been extraordinarily positive. Here’s what a couple of visitors have had to say: Marc O’Maoldomhnaigh from London:

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