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Last Thursday, Breffni teamed up with Rome expert Dr. Lynda Mulvin to give a presentation to the Virtual Cultural Heritage in Ireland’s first annual workshop: “The State-of the Art and Visions for the Future.”
Virtual Cultural Heritage in Ireland’s Mission Statement reads:

To capture the state of the art of, and develop fresh future visions for Virtual Cultural Heritage in Irish industry, cultural heritage institutions and academia, enabling sharing of new ideas and collaborative opportunities in relation to current and future funding and market contexts.Dr Lynda Mulvin is Head of the School of Art History and Cultural Policy at University College, Dublin, and has a specialist background and interest in classical antiquity and architectural history. She has worked with us in that role, serving as a Subject Matter Expert for projects relating to Ancient Rome. For Thursday’s workshop, she and Breffni discussed Noho’s work in “Visualising Historical Cities,” utilizing technology to explore the past. Specifically, Breffni and Lynda focused on the Rome 320AD project to explore the historical work here at Noho and to discuss how quality computer-designed cultural heritage projects can be both historically accurate and emotionally impactful. In the context of this workshop panel and surrounded by other individuals and organizations working in this field—cultural heritage professionals, industry, researchers and funders—it was an honour to have the chance to present our work in this way, and to be included among others undertaking exciting projects of a similar nature.

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