Design your header here as a part of your layout. You can also download header templates from the Visual Composer Hub.


An exciting 1916 project we’ve recently completed, is an update of the National Library of Ireland’s online exhibition, “Ireland: 1916/2016”. In partnership with Tandem Design, Noho were commissioned to completely revise and update this extensive online resource. The exhibition makes great use of the NLI’s vast collection of memorabilia from the era; books, newspapers, drawings, photographs and proclamations. A brilliant site for any history buff, it’s  also a fantastic resource for keeping up to date with the library’s four exhibitions devoted to 1916. There are descriptions of each exhibition and a calendar detailing with the wide range of talks and events taking place over the next few months. The site also provides a digital collection of the seven signatories; the men behind the Rising. Key parts of the project included ensuring that the new site featured a responsive design – users can view the new site on a wide range of mobile devices – and adding an option to browse the site in Irish, an achievement which Padraig Pearse would no doubt have approved!

Design your footer here as a part of your layout. You can also download footer templates from the Visual Composer Hub.