In April of 2017 we showcased our cross culture timeline to our partners in the
CEMEC project. Our partner Lynda Mulvin (School Of Art History & Cultural Policy UCD) hosted the European partners in Dublin with some help from the Noho team. Our showcase was the first event of a successful few days featuring talks, presentations, tours and workshops.
The showcase event was in the beautiful Rotunda room of the National Museum and both Wim Hupperetz (Director of the APM and CEMEC project) and Raghnall Ó Floinn (Director of the National Museum of Ireland) gave short talks stressing the importance of cooperation, connections and accessibility in the modern museum. Other attendees included ambassadors from the Netherlands, Hungary and Spain, as well as interested parties from the heritage community in Ireland.
It was a very proud moment for the Noho team on a number of levels. Firstly, the alpha release of our timeline illustrated to the Museum and the community here, the power and potential of employing digital tools to explore objects and heritage in Ireland, and what better venue to do so, than in the Rotunda of the Museum itself. On another level we were thrilled to bring our European partners to Dublin, a chance for us to show off this wonderful city while getting some great work done. We have been hosted by our partners in many different cities across Europe on various EU projects but this was our first time hosting here in Dublin.
It was also a chance for us to highlight how important EU funded projects are for a SME like ourselves. They provide a framework for us to work with teams in large research institutions (CNR, Fraunhofer, INRIA, Athena) and with great Museums and Universities. But most of all, we get to tell stories that span all the way across Europe and get hands-on access to its most important treasures. There are of course many different voices and points of view within a European network but generally as a consequence we get a better result, a deeper emphatic understanding of our partners culture/history/heritage and make friends and lasting relationships with people across the whole field.
We are now working towards the first exhibition of the CEMEC project in Amsterdam in September. We will be busy with the timeline and busy creating a film telling the story of early medieval Europe.
Ba mhaith linn buíochas a ghabháil leis an Ard Mhuséam as ucht an rotunda a chur ar fáil dúinn. We’d also like to thank Lynda and Anna for hosting and organising such a great few days.