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A year on, it’s great to see the success of this “lowbrow comedy fundraiser.” In addition to the RTE screening, the sketches were made available on YouTube over the course of the year. Most of them have been viewed thousands of times, with one particularly bold sketch boasting a whopping 3 MILLION VIEWS. (Warning: “immaturity” is in the title for a reason.) Noho's worked with Immaturity for Charity for post-production and video editing They hit on some comedy gold—for comparison, one of the other most popular Irish uploads of 2013—Republic of Telly’s “You Know You’re Irish When…” has just over a million views. Immatürity for Charity launched in 2012 has been a real success: both in terms of money raised and in popularity of the sketches. The project was conceived as a fundraiser for St. Francis Hospice in Raheny, and all participants donated their time and expertise for free. They have so far raised over €65,000, but are still collecting donations for the worthy cause (visit their website for more information). For more information about our part in the project, you can read our previous blog post about Immatürity for Charity, and check out their project introductory video: We provided all post-production visual work for the sketches, both for TV airing and for online viewing. It was an honour to work in support of this cause and with some of Ireland’s greatest acting talent. More information and a link for donations can be found at the Immatürity for Charity website. You can also check out the full range of sketches both at their website and on YouTube. Only…well, you’ve been warned.

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