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The weekend of May 9th, we headed to Cromford to do some on-site filming for the Cromford Mills project. Niall, Aviv, Nico and Saskia spent several days conducting photo and video shoots on the historic streets and mills of the Derwent River Valley and Niall even took to the air, capturing an eagle’s eye view via helicopter.
We’re delighted with what we captured in the few days of filming. We visited the Joseph Wright Gallery in Derby to get shots of the beautiful portraits in their collections. At Masson Mills we saw cotton spinning machines operating just as they did back in the 19th century. And we had the special opportunity of seeing the Leawood Pumphouse all fired up, pumping tonnes of water from the Derwent River into the Cromford Canal.
Telling the story of this early industrial centre has been a real adventure from start to finish. Just researching the lives and innovations of characters like Arkwright and his many imitators, or the colourful Lombe Brothers of Derby has offered rich territory for scripting films and designing engaging exhibition interactives.
Our next task is to review the rushes and begin to cut together a film that profiles this historic World Heritage Site.
Thanks to everyone in the Derwent Valley for their cooperation and help in making the shoot so run so smoothly—with all the goodwill, in person and on Twitter, Cromford is starting to feel like home.
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