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We are thrilled to announce the launch of our newest in-house Noho project: Rome 320AD
This app combines 3D modeling with a historical narrative focused on a summer’s day in Ancient Rome during the reign of Emperor Constantine. The year is 320 and the Roman Empire is at its peak. This project builds on our earlier work with Frischer Consulting and the Rome Reborn project, where we created a series of HD videos of a 3D animated model of Rome for use in museums across Europe and Canada (and was used in a Khan Academy/SmartHistory video). By updating and enhancing the original Rome Reborn model, and adding character narration and hotspots, we have developed new ways for users to engage with the ancient city and explore its culture. Work on this app has been a labour of love over these past months, undertaken alongside our projects with outside clients. We’re delighted that it has launched into the world and we’ve already begun to hear positive feedback from some early users. The app is currently available for desktop Mac users for $5.99 and you can buy it here: It will soon be made more generally available to other Android and Apple devices. Please send us feedback! We’re anxious to make this app a great experience for all who encounter it. Check out this Rome 320AD app sample video, and buy the app on the iTunes app store!
Design your footer here as a part of your layout. You can also download footer templates from the Visual Composer Hub.